Sunday, November 1, 2015

6 Day battle with new crapware site...

Well this happened...
about a week ago noticed chrome was getting all sluggish.. not really new, alarming, or even, worrysome... or, so i thought.
So, curiosity got the best of me thinkin':
 "Ol' Google's done it again.. So, now what?"

Well, after checking a HUGE nstat log and getting a Network Block notice from the big VF....
I did some digging swapped a few VPNs tried a few new proxies...
But, the fishy smell prevailed...

Seems it was defacing sites i visited..
And, after a thorough scouring of system, caches, and old hooks.
I realized it really wasn't just me.
 (every once in a great while it really ain't just me)

It seems something from "adsfreak[dot]com" was calling home intermittently around every 2-10 mins.
So very similar to "supernet[dot]io" crapware sites and apps...

So, i started blocking every aspect that was associated with this [DOT]com.

Soon, i discovered most of the IPs' associated with this crap was less than a week old; and, being routed via proxies thru the known IPs'.

Now, Chrome and the net is all running like it should; and back to
being "almost zippy like...."

    block from running:
              setting cookies

uBlock is a good choice for this; and, keeping updated too.
 But do make sure your using:
    "Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek" in the "3rd Party filters" tab.

Disconnect from all networks
clean your caches and reset your browsers
reboot and again
clean your caches and reset your browsers.

'cause it will even follow you thru a locked-down TOR...

Hopefully, Malwarebytes.Org is on this already...

But, then again; i know...

 i'm an idiot!

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