Sunday, December 29, 2019

'bout myne...

'bout myne...

i *work* mainly in a "coffee house" enviro
so, "true access time" on any given project,
is subject to accessibility vs. spectator
"in-fection/-jection" for any type of
 viable  consideration...
some neighbors/visitors can be too opinionated.. ;/

ok so can i..
 but, damn i'm trying to do something here.
what; if really anything...
 i am not sure of..

 i type with the only 3 fingers i have
left  that still work. @bout 10wpm

 tthaatt,, aaand tthis keyboaarrd haas aa quirrky chaatttterring problem..
    that, and, this keyboard has a quirky chattering problem..
 ...even with a "Fatal1ty(R)" superport..
 wwwhicch ssomeettimeesss ddoubles//ttrippples aaaannyy kkeyyprress or skipps it comleeteeely..
    which, sometimes doubles/triples any key press, or, skips it completely..

and that plays havoc with any kind of auto-correct.
 so imagine this page written out completely
 like that.
 (going on 3 hrs since i started this)

 so, anything i add has to be done/gone over again
 after i complete the thought or sentence..
 ,,and, fuck the punctuation! until i get to it.., fuck!!
 .what the hell was i trying to say there again?

 so yeah, i might be able to..

i think my brain *may* still work..

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