Sunday, December 29, 2019

'bout myne...

'bout myne...

i *work* mainly in a "coffee house" enviro
so, "true access time" on any given project,
is subject to accessibility vs. spectator
"in-fection/-jection" for any type of
 viable  consideration...
some neighbors/visitors can be too opinionated.. ;/

ok so can i..
 but, damn i'm trying to do something here.
what; if really anything...
 i am not sure of..

 i type with the only 3 fingers i have
left  that still work. @bout 10wpm

 tthaatt,, aaand tthis keyboaarrd haas aa quirrky chaatttterring problem..
    that, and, this keyboard has a quirky chattering problem..
 ...even with a "Fatal1ty(R)" superport..
 wwwhicch ssomeettimeesss ddoubles//ttrippples aaaannyy kkeyyprress or skipps it comleeteeely..
    which, sometimes doubles/triples any key press, or, skips it completely..

and that plays havoc with any kind of auto-correct.
 so imagine this page written out completely
 like that.
 (going on 3 hrs since i started this)

 so, anything i add has to be done/gone over again
 after i complete the thought or sentence..
 ,,and, fuck the punctuation! until i get to it.., fuck!!
 .what the hell was i trying to say there again?

 so yeah, i might be able to..

i think my brain *may* still work..

Sunday, October 6, 2019



on Facebook

Here is where "positive reinforcement" lives; where, creation is an action; a living thing.
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Build onto the creation, that, is; "US" (humanity not some fucking government, that, may have the same acronym; as the word; "us"; as, in we, as; a living mass of thought, reason, understanding, conceptualization, growth, that which we are; will be; can be; hope to achieve to be....) go forward, reach the zen of our apogee of creation. Hello. Welcome to #knowthebutterfly the chrysalis; the first creation. the creation of creation's exponential.
This delicate and often treasured (more often in a detrimental way) is an amazing and delightfully inspiring thing.
first is the well known caterpillar to butterfly morphosis which, defines its understanding of drastic, but, necessary change. Then, the way it flits from one destiny to another, denotes an innate ability to understand that the only real plan is: "See what happens and how far one can get doing the best one can with what has been given. and given the fact they tend to be mortally wounded by human contact is proof all things are subject to even one of "Gods own" fears.. "time and circumstance" can really fuck with infinite possibilities to produce some really fucked-up probabilities... so yeah my advise would be to that ignorant and obviously tweaking Solomon: "to hell with the worker ant you stupid fucking cattle!, ya shoulda been chasin' the freakin' butterflies! And, learn to be a true image like you're supposed to be! moron."

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Making Money Online...

This a test.
A simple trial run of a for profit campaign designed
to show/teach/guide one on how to do online marketing
While being profitable in itself.

The Product


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