Was asked:
"Can you teach me how to hack?"
My answer was:
"Learn a new language.."
Some asked:
"What are you hacking?"
My Answer was:
"My brain..."
The smart ones asked:
"What programming language would you use?"
My Answer was:
"um, this one...."
Some said:
"Thats crazy!"
yup, i sure am...."
Just Go Learn Stuff!
mostly notes to myself, and, anybody else..
..really, i'm just adding more crap to the net...
So, Google, and, perhaps some crap i "might" re-post here;
will give visitors a freakin' cookie...
Personally, I do not use cookies,
nor, do i personally track, or, even keep
any personal record elsewhere of this Crap.
Just be aware that Google and whatever
corporations that may have their greedy little fingers
on this site will probably give you one or a dozen....